
A repository of resources to support curriculum development and encourage deeper exploration.

101 Questions and Answers on the Eucharist

Dimock, Giles O.P., 101 Questions and Answers on the Eucharist, Paulist Press, 2006

A Brief History of Vatican II

Alberigo, Giuseppe, A Brief History of Vatican II, Orbis Books, 2006

Benedict XVI emphasizes Real Presence of Jesus in Eucharist

Pope Benedict on how "Jesus Christ continues alive and truly present in the consecrated host and the chalice" is the central point of the Catholic faith.

Challenge, Change and Faith: Catholic Australia and the Second Vatican Council

DVD: Challenge, Change and Faith: Catholic Australia and the Second Vatican Council. Available from Delux Films P.O. Box. 325, Fitzroy 3065, Victoria, Australia

Eucharist: A Guide for the Perplexed

McMichael, Ralph, Eucharist: A Guide for the Perplexed, T & T international, 2010

Eucharist: God's Embrace

Watch Fr Ron Rolheiser speak on the presence of Christ.

Open Your Eyes: On the Road to Emmaus

American Bible Society, Open Your Eyes: On the Road to Emmaus, American Bible Society, 2001.

Pope Explains the Meaning of the Easter Triduum

YouTube clip reflecting on the Easter Triduum and the Paschal Mystery.

Road to Emmaus Video

YouTube video of an animated interpretation of the Road to Emmaus Story (Early years – Year4).

Vatican II: 40 Years On

A special report on the 40th anniversary of Vatican II.

What Happened at Vatican II

O’Malley, John W. S.J., What Happened at Vatican II, Belknap Press, 2008